Creating A Sweet Experience

I love a good analogy. How about you? The other day I was with a client and we were visiting a local candy store, the Fun Factory. Our mission was to find out if they could provide client appreciation gifts and manage the fulfillment for us.

Before we even walked in the door I could tell we were in for a fun experience.

We walked up the steps to the entrance of the bright yellow former house. Giant sized ice cream cones and brightly colored flags guided the way. The front of the house, now an inviting sweet shop, was lit up with neon signs and brightly painted offset frames.

As we entered the store our senses lit up. The smell of chocolate filled the air. A cheerful greeting called out to us from behind a wall of candy. We were taking a walk down memory lane through all the nostalgic candies of our childhood. Zots, Pop Rocks, Good and Plenty and more.

I approached the cheerful voice behind the chocolate. I explained what we were looking for and how we wanted a local partner to manager our gift process. The happy voice behind the chocolate, now a smiling bright eyed girl continued to nod and smile. As I finished she simply replied – “I’m certain we can do whatever you need.”

Moments like this cross our path every day.

  • A trip to the grocery store.
  • Running through the car wash.
  • Bringing the dog to the groomers.
  • Calling your doctors office.
  • Attending an online meeting.
  • Etc.

How often do these moments become experiences you remember and tell your friends about?

As an event host you have an opportunity to create an unforgettable experience for your guests. Remember, the experience begins long before they walk through your doors, virtual or real.

Consider these touch points as you design the guest experience:

  • Invitation – It should invoke a feeling of what is to come and what they have to look forward to.
  • Registration Process – Make it easy. Is it congruent with your theme and your style?
  • Arrival – How do you welcome guests? Do they see and feel your brand?
  • During – Everything you do while present with your audience is creating an experience. Be intentional.
  • Post Event – Follow up with your audience to deliver even greater value and extend the experience. This could include a feedback form, a thank-you note, program recording or additional materials.

I get it. We can’t all work in a fun factory and hand out gelato and chocolate covered cherries. But we can still create memorable experiences that help our clients lasting ways. Whether you choose to put forth the effort is up to you. I promise, if you do, you’ll have a lot more fun too.

P.S. If you ever find yourself in Rhinelander, WI be sure to stop in to the Fun Factory for a treat.