Ask and Receive Help (Grand Canyon part 3)

Training to hike the Grand Canyon from one rim to the other in a days’ time is a process. It takes a lot of dedicated time, perseverance, sacrifice and patience. Gradually you feel yourself getting stronger and you develop the confidence that you need to take on this physical adventure. You feel like you’ve got…

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Remember The Magic, Because The Party Will End (Grand Canyon part 2)

Lesson’s from the Grand Canyon (part 2) Hiking from Rim to Rim of the Grand Canyon requires that you start at the wee hours of the morning (2:30 AM in my case) to ensure you finish before sunset. Walking the Canyon at night is pretty cool. You’re wearing a headlamp and it is fun to…

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3 Steps To Making a Living Following Your Passion

How many times have you heard the words “do what you love and the money will follow”? It’s a very romantic thought and I’d love to believe it’s that easy.  The truth is, the money doesn’t just appear. Let’s get real about that. If you want to create a business you love, one that feeds…

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Defining Your Ideal Client Is The Foundation of Your Business

Defining your ideal client, also know as your avatar, is a prerequisite to everything else you do. Without clarity around who you service, what problem you will solve for them and where they hangout, you have no direction or target for your business. You’ll find that often your avatar is some version of you or…

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